What’s so hard about it? “Dear So and So, Just a short note to thank you for the (fill in the blank). I appreciate your thoughtfulness in thinking of me. I know I will enjoy using it. I hope you’re having a wonderful holiday season.” Then sign your name!
Swalb%515 about 11 years ago
Lotsa work, Luann!
Chris Kenworthy about 11 years ago
Oh, how some people would love to have your problems. ;)
alondra about 11 years ago
What’s so hard about it? “Dear So and So, Just a short note to thank you for the (fill in the blank). I appreciate your thoughtfulness in thinking of me. I know I will enjoy using it. I hope you’re having a wonderful holiday season.” Then sign your name!
Reddyan about 11 years ago
Luann’s wearing her Charlie Brown shirt again. I wonder if she got that for Christmas?