Endtown by Aaron Neathery for March 26, 2013

  1. Rori poster
    SapphireDragonStudios  almost 12 years ago

    As much of a hateful jerk as Jackrabbit can be, the guy’s got a point. No better person to defend the ladies than Jacob right now!

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    bikenboatn  almost 12 years ago

    So he gets to be the good guy now.

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    mr_sherman Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    If Allgood isn’t an attorney either, it just might work.

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    Steve Bartholomew  almost 12 years ago

    Embracing the mutant within: I truly like that.

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    pam Miner  almost 12 years ago

    ackrabbit seems a lot better than Allgood especially that he e is being lead by Velda!. “obi Rabbit Kenobi, you are our only hope”

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  6. Idano
    Ida No  almost 12 years ago

    Jackrabbit: “I have been called. It is not my place to say ‘no’.”Allgood: “This is like bringing a pocket knife to a gun fight.”Velda: “Do be gentle with him, Octavius. We don’t want to get blood spatter on the video cameras. It’ll void the warranty.”

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  7. 3goddessxxxx
    dirtyoldlady1  almost 12 years ago

    Jack has a good loud voice and force behind his words. I think he would be perfect for this job. However,remember when Wally caused some fuss during one of his harangue. (found that in the dictionary.. good word) This may bring some major irritation between them. Wally might not believe that he would be un judgmental and Holly had some issue.Can’t remember what it was. Is it possible, Aaron,. that all the lawyers are TS?Blessing Be.

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  8. 3goddessxxxx
    dirtyoldlady1  almost 12 years ago

    A warning. Checked my Capital one bill this morning and found something I did not know. $24.99 from RN.HELP.REAL.COM.WA I googled it and there were about 12 protests from customers who had no idea what or who it was. The result was a canceled card and promise to issue a new one soon. OOOOOKKK,. They didn’t say so, but I got the impression they knew about this company.Sorry, take up important space in the comments, but wanted to warn you all.Blessings.

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    With the way Holly and Wally feel about him, would they accept Jake Jackrabbit as Holly’s lawyer?#But, when you get right down to it, of the seven thousand mutant survivors in Endtown, how many are lawyers?

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    TheFoxaroo  almost 12 years ago

    Time to put your money where your mouth is Jackrabbit…

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    Rennjack  almost 12 years ago

    In a closed system like Endtown; I doubt this is going to be a lose for either party. I have the feeling that those in power are going to get their way no matter who wins or loses. The bunny, the bear, and the weasel are going to come out of this better than when they went in.

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  12. Docrat logo avatar
    Jenner Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Awww… He’s got a fluffy, white bobble tail. What more does he need?

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  13. Docrat logo avatar
    Jenner Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Rabbit. Eggs. Hmm… could it be just coincidence?

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    I like the folded paper in Panel Three, but wish I could read the whole headline. Something “VICTIMS,” something “IL.” “Evil?” No, that looks like a “C” covered by the guy’s hand. “Council?”

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  15. Penguins
    DADOF3  almost 12 years ago

    The guy’s a plant. Jake had to know that, as popular as these defendants have become, the public would likely not accept some legal novice appointing himself as their defense counsul. But now he’s able to go on the record and proclaim that he doesn’t want the job, but will eventually concede to the demands of the crowd “for the greater good”.

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Well, you’ve got three defendants…so I can see each defendant having a lawyer each.

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  17. Idano
    Ida No  almost 12 years ago

    “I like the folded paper in Panel Three, but wish I could read the whole headline.”It’s the same headline as in panel 2.

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  18. Blindspot
    salenstormwing  almost 12 years ago

    All this talk of lawyers made me think of that Chicken Lawyer from Futurama. “Sorry, son. I thought you were corn.” Now I hope someone wears a white 40s style lawyer get-up at the trial.

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    Herb Thiel Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Jake is obviously more popular than Algood. Probably because he is telling people to be what they already are while Algood is telling them to be something they can never be again. If there are any attorneys among them, now is the time to speak up, otherwise Jake is the one. What will Velda say that Jake’s pol numbers are?

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    BBWolf128  almost 12 years ago

    Well if it is going to be a kangaroo court. You might need a jackrabbit to keep it hopping..I still want to know about the story behind Mr. Hopper..And now with Mr. Hopper, mutant eggs, kangaroo court, Jacob Jackrabbit, and Easter right around the corner.Can we expect painted giant mutant eggs soon? I hope so...As far as the egg = cannibalism thing..An unfertilized chicken egg consists of only one cell containing the genetic material.The rest are proteins and minerals to feed the growth of that cell and the other cells that would develop from that one cell.And all of that surrounded in a calcium crystal shell..One probably consumes more human cells kissing ones significant other..But I am just giving out some facts and some perspective on the subject. I am not saying that is is right or wrong, or that it is or is not cannibalism. That may be something that we as individuals might need to decide for ourselves.

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    William Bednar Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    The new Lenin?

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    Darwinskeeper  almost 12 years ago

    I think Jacob knows that he is not qualified to do this.

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    Lyons Group, Inc.  almost 12 years ago

    Let me add my two cent to this: Jack Rabbit’s jerk-off!Is that acceptable?

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  24. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  almost 12 years ago

    Well, Jackrabbit. The people have spoken…The time has come to put your powers of persuasion to the ultimate test.

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    Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Jackrabbit to the rescue, Jackrabbit to the rescue.Run Jackrabbit, RUUUNNNNN JACKRABBIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-)(With apologies to “Jim Dandy to the Rescue”)Maybe when the rats point their guns at him he will poop………..jelly beans???? (He did it on HOP)Have fun folks ought to be a good show.Total media courtroom circus.Lions, Tigers, and Pandas OH MY!

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Maybe Mr. Allgood could defend them. (John Adams once defended a group of British soldiers when they fired on a mob of Americans, on the grounds that everybody is entitled to counsel.)

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  27. Rhadamanthus
    craigwestlake  almost 12 years ago

    Speaking of PayPal, I got a faked email from them saying that I needed to respond with ID information or my account would be frozen. The link even was on a secure channel!If you use PayPal be on the lookout for this scam.

    From what I’ve read on “Schlock Mercenary”, the lawyers are all Snakes.

    It would look like this episode is going to work out similar to the Scopes evolution trial…

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    yangeldf  almost 12 years ago

    when I first saw jack I thought he was going to be a villain, but now he can really serve a purpose for good, but I guess it’s only because his opposite is now cast in the villain role. Perhaps we have an enemy of my enemy situation.

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