Emmy Lou by Marty Links for April 25, 2013

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    emmyloufan1  over 11 years ago

    Marty Son-in -law here! Marty would include the names of her friends in many of her cartoon panels. Today’s cartoon has the name of a dear friend included who Marty was friends with for 50 yrs. You might recognize the nickname. The character in today’s panel actually looks a bit like him. Any guesses who he is?! You’ll know him. I’ll check back later and let you know the name!

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    Reruns  over 11 years ago

    Charles Schultz was called Sparkie but I think the drawing looks like Bennet Cert

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    Reruns  over 11 years ago


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    emmAyyy  over 11 years ago

    Charles Schultz…another amazing cartoonist! Cheers to the two of them! I love that they found away to include each other in their comics…friends they were, today they would be referred to as “BFF’s”!

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    emmyloufan1  over 11 years ago

    Yes…the Sparkie was for Charles Schulz! Good guess!

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