The Knight Life by Keith Knight for May 12, 2013
yest even more butchered syaings from my german wife... where theres a will theres a realtive!! KN: wow!! That creepy dude rubbed me the thong way!! KK: !! KN: Dont you understand? You cant book a judge cuz hes covered!! KN: Sleeping dogs tell the truth, sir!! KN: step on it, Pal!! Theres no "one" in "team"!! KN: a fool and her money are soon to party!! KK: snicker
jazzmoose over 11 years ago
Hopefully that’s not true for the second one…
K M over 11 years ago
I thought it was “Where there’s a will, there’s probate!”
Stormrider2112 over 11 years ago
His Honor was arrested by a junior officer because his alibi wasn’t enough to put him away from the scene and was put in jail. However, he was release by the chief of police, who told the rookie, “Never book a judge by his cover.”