Frank and Ernest by Thaves for May 05, 2013
Frank: Some of the deadly sins played golf today. Envy's getting jealous because Pride won't stop talking about the hole-in-one he made! Frank: "There was no prize money, so Greed didn't play, and Sloth never got out of the golf cart." Frank: "Wrath and Gluttony both shot 125! Wrath broke all his clubs in anger, but Gluttony is going out for another 18 holes!" Ernest: Ah, he's a Glutton for punishment!
Sillstaw over 11 years ago
Lust was with Tiger Woods.
InTraining Premium Member over 11 years ago
Perhaps lust is still in bed…? ? ?
Rickapolis over 11 years ago
Lust was always my favorite.
bmonk over 11 years ago
Boredom couldn’t be bothered to drive to the course.
bmonk over 11 years ago
Deceit made 18 holes in 45 shots.