re #4 – what is your reason for omitting good ol’ Condi Rice, the recent token combo Woman/Black shill at Augusta? (Imagine the constant smiles).
re the word “Socialism” – did you forget that the unthinking morons in the US Rightwingnut world are totally programmed to think Socialist=Communist=Dictatorship=Stalin?
They are utterly incapable of realizing the stunningly obvious fact that every nation on Earth that is more prosperous than the US is Socialist. They usually are just totally ignorant of the remotest shred of awareness that there actually ARE nations more prosperous than the US, with virtually no poverty, better public health, lower infant mortality, and better education.
They completely resist or ignore (if anyone dares suggest it to them) that the US is the ONLY developed country without some form of universal health care.
The Greedy Rich have done a masterful job of programming all their lower class slaves in the US. They march off to slaughter (work at poor paying jobs) with their grim rictuses firmly in place, self – righeously certain that they are doing what they must.
JoeStoppinghem Premium Member over 11 years ago
I wonder if there will be a consensus after this unofficial poll.
jmcx4 over 11 years ago
Sounds good. But if we just had a Demo and a Socialist Party, would we still need the democrats? Couldn’t the Socialist Party just control it all?
BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 11 years ago
If the portion of Lesbians to general population were equal to this strip’s representation, we would have over population solved. :)
Lamberger over 11 years ago
The conservatives are necessary to the Dielectic, comrade.
Bandera_Ken over 11 years ago
True. Even the corps don’t want it. That’s why they created the tea party to oppose it.
Ambydextrous over 11 years ago
If she’s not careful she’ll be at it until the sun goes down, maybe even after that :)
gileshead over 11 years ago
I suggest North Dakota.
James38 over 11 years ago
@ Clark Kent:
re #4 – what is your reason for omitting good ol’ Condi Rice, the recent token combo Woman/Black shill at Augusta? (Imagine the constant smiles).
re the word “Socialism” – did you forget that the unthinking morons in the US Rightwingnut world are totally programmed to think Socialist=Communist=Dictatorship=Stalin?
They are utterly incapable of realizing the stunningly obvious fact that every nation on Earth that is more prosperous than the US is Socialist. They usually are just totally ignorant of the remotest shred of awareness that there actually ARE nations more prosperous than the US, with virtually no poverty, better public health, lower infant mortality, and better education.
They completely resist or ignore (if anyone dares suggest it to them) that the US is the ONLY developed country without some form of universal health care.
The Greedy Rich have done a masterful job of programming all their lower class slaves in the US. They march off to slaughter (work at poor paying jobs) with their grim rictuses firmly in place, self – righeously certain that they are doing what they must.