That is exactly how it works. My brother had to be dragged from bed on weekdays. On Saturday he was up at 6, watching the old Pink Panther toons (first run, in those days).
In the first panel, Calvin looks alarmed.Here is a typical school day, which Calvin also finds to be alarming:Click here: Calvin and Hobbes (May 31, 1992)Here is a typical Saturday:Click here: Calvin and Hobbes (May 10, 1986)
I may not get up as early when I don’t have to go to work, but I won’t waste my daylight hours sleeping either. I’d be inclined to get up just around sunrise.
Once my mother let me sleep til 1PM, I still remember that ONE time! If she was up at 6:30AM, so was the rest of the house. I remember being amazed when I got married (before kids) that I could go to bed and get up when I wanted!
Only days I get to sleep in are Saturday and Sunday. The rest of the week, I help getting our son, and my wife off to work by 8. THEN I can try and go back to sleep..generally doesn’t work, so I’m up regardless.
ratlum over 11 years ago
Saturdays are the best.Worth getting up for.
Linux0s over 11 years ago
Those cartoons aren’t going to watch themselves.
favm over 11 years ago
When I retired, I enjoyed waking up early just for the fun of not going to work. That only lasted for 3 days, now I sleep until 10:00.
rentier over 11 years ago
So many things to do on Saturdays!
arye uygur over 11 years ago
It’s not getting up early that I hate, it’s getting ready to leave the house early that’s a pain.
watmiwori over 11 years ago
(From yesterday)
Moe or Omnius??
Phapada over 11 years ago
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 11 years ago
I love the fact that now I don’t have to get up. So all appointments are at 2PM
Aaron Saltzer over 11 years ago
That’s not surprising.
Aaron Saltzer over 11 years ago
You’d think he’d want to sleep in, since he gets up early during the week. Huh.
ryanfrancisco over 11 years ago
orinoco womble over 11 years ago
That is exactly how it works. My brother had to be dragged from bed on weekdays. On Saturday he was up at 6, watching the old Pink Panther toons (first run, in those days).
I had to be dragged from bed every day. Still do.
cloudy now over 11 years ago
Oh dear, it’s Saturday, it’s 11:20 AM and I’ve just woken up.
moronbis over 11 years ago
Didn’t Calvin say,“Weekends don’t count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless.”?Argh! I can’t find the strip.
Puddleglum2 over 11 years ago
At first Hobbes couldn’t see (panel 2) why Calvin wanted to get up so early.
Zero-Gabriel over 11 years ago
I don’t think he cares for soup.
Puddleglum2 over 11 years ago
Grammar Police Alert:If this WERE a school day, what would I care?Watterson should get ‘forty lashes with a wet noodle’ (from Dear Abby)!
Puddleglum2 over 11 years ago
“If I Didn’t Care” – The Ink Spots“Up in the morning and out (off) to school,” – Chuck Berry
Hobbes Premium Member over 11 years ago
In the first panel, Calvin looks alarmed.Here is a typical school day, which Calvin also finds to be alarming:Click here: Calvin and Hobbes (May 31, 1992)Here is a typical Saturday:Click here: Calvin and Hobbes (May 10, 1986)
Hobbes Premium Member over 11 years ago
Click here: Peanuts (November 5, 1964)Click here: Peanuts (December 15, 1957)Click here: Peanuts (November 19, 1966)
GROG Premium Member over 11 years ago
I may not get up as early when I don’t have to go to work, but I won’t waste my daylight hours sleeping either. I’d be inclined to get up just around sunrise.
ataeaf over 11 years ago
I remember when I used to think this.
gforgina over 11 years ago
Today’s STONE SOUP mentions Saturdays too.
iwavy over 11 years ago
I wouldn’t want to wake up and regret that I lost half day of my weekend!!
jessegooddoggy over 11 years ago
I am retired and still get up before dawn to get my day started. But I go to bed early, so it all evens out.
tirnaaisling over 11 years ago
Reruns of Tarzan!
Hobbes Premium Member over 11 years ago
@Omnius: Thanks for the positive comment. We really appreciate it. Don’t work too hard, and always take time to enjoy life.
Number Three over 11 years ago
I’ve often done that… Woke up early thinking it was a school day. Imagine my happiness when I suddenly realised it was a weekend!
I like the way Calvin ‘flies’ out of bed in the last panel.
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 11 years ago
Once my mother let me sleep til 1PM, I still remember that ONE time! If she was up at 6:30AM, so was the rest of the house. I remember being amazed when I got married (before kids) that I could go to bed and get up when I wanted!
unclebewey over 11 years ago
Me to, Working nights your entire adult life will do that to you. I think that going to bed at 7:00 am is better then getting up at 7:00 am
dustspecks Premium Member over 11 years ago
Hi hear ya’, Calvin.
korblimee about 11 years ago
See… i just don’t get that getting up on a SATURDAY!!!?
mrtimblin about 11 years ago
Only days I get to sleep in are Saturday and Sunday. The rest of the week, I help getting our son, and my wife off to work by 8. THEN I can try and go back to sleep..generally doesn’t work, so I’m up regardless.