Bound and Gagged by Dana Summers for May 03, 2013

  1. Minime 100x100
    Linux0s  over 11 years ago

    There’s always a critic…

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  2. Burrowing owl attack
    emjaycee  over 11 years ago

    Bald eagles are not worm-pickers. Fish, song birds and smaller raptors, mammals, and carrion are staples of their diets. (Worked at a raptor rehab center: never got to work with the baby eagles, but the fledgling owls were my favorites to hand feed.)

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  3. Picture 22
    jack fairbanks  over 11 years ago

    aah, yer mutha was a three-toed grebe!

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  4. Snapshot10
    battle of plattsburgh  over 11 years ago

    If you don’t want to become extinct, you’ll eat what I give you, and like it.

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  5. Missing large
    clacou  over 11 years ago

    It is not a criticism to point out misconceptions of any kind. Truth and its pursuit should be the higher goal, not the propagation of errors like this one. Bald Eagles eating worms? Seriously? I thought bird was an american symbol!

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  6. Pig
    jonesb  over 11 years ago

    Eagles don’t regurgitate anything, they feed meat torn off the carcass.

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  7. Anim chromosomes
    chromosome Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Baby eagle = Beagle?

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  8. Grandpa hef
    Jeff0811  over 11 years ago

    Even if the eagle was providing regurgitated worms, I don’t think I would argue. That mom looks like she is one complaint away from teaching her brood how to fly, all at the same time.

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