No,“Join the Air Service AND Serve in France” was an incentive back then, although the aviators very quickly developed a sense of realism about their chances (one pilot explained why he liked the SPAD XIII better than the earlier, inferior Nieuport 28: “The Spad is faster. If you get in trouble, it’s easier to run away.”)
Bill Thompson over 11 years ago
No,“Join the Air Service AND Serve in France” was an incentive back then, although the aviators very quickly developed a sense of realism about their chances (one pilot explained why he liked the SPAD XIII better than the earlier, inferior Nieuport 28: “The Spad is faster. If you get in trouble, it’s easier to run away.”)
Sherlock Watson over 11 years ago
Of course, you’ll have to learn the language first, so sign up today for Crabtree’s French for Englishmen!:Lesson one: “Good moaning.”
Bill Thompson over 11 years ago
It’s Lord Kitchener:
vwdualnomand over 11 years ago
didn’t the germans call the canadian corps, shock troops? and, much praise to the canadian corps at vimy ridge.
pcolli over 11 years ago
Not to forget the Philadelphia Experiment…similar idea.
loves raising duncan over 11 years ago
That’s not very good incentive!
Cloudster over 11 years ago
@Sherlock: Listen carefully for I shall say this only once, for I am in GREAT pain.
I managed to find a couple ‘Allo ’Allo DVDs last year, made me quite happy. I’d love to have the entire set, but that’s a fair amount of coin.
KEA over 11 years ago
Join the Air Service and avoid having to see the people you’re killing.
Ryan Plut over 11 years ago
Or, there’s this:
Tirasmol over 11 years ago
I busted out laughing so loudly that I scared the cat.