Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for June 03, 2008
Boy: I hate rhythm clapping game time. Alice: I need to work on my clapping skills for Petey's recital. Dill: You should bang pot lids together. My brother banged pot lids together last New Year's Eve and a policeman came and yelled at him, it was so loud. Alice: I don't want the police involved. It'd scare Petey. Boy: I keep missing. Dill: Then don't try fireworks! That New Year's, six policemen came. And a fire truck.
F.Cjavier over 13 years ago
" i keep missing" lol
calvin.hobbes almost 5 years ago
i AM kevin in this
robert423elliott about 3 years ago
Dill remembers a lot of New Year’s eves for a 4 year old!!!