Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for October 07, 2008
Mom: Daddy is giving you a ride to preschool. Alice: He always does silly voices in the car. Sometimes he yodels or does funny accents. Dad: Yodelodeloodelyaooo Madeline, Oh Madeline, I linkdinkypollywolly yabba dabba you! Alice: Sometimes he sings cowboy songs. Dad: I'm an old cowhaaand, from the Rio Graaaand. Howdy howdy howdy! Yeeeeehaa! Mom: Daddy suffers from autodrivelalia, a common affliction among those stuck in traffic. Alice: Maybe he shouldn't be driving.
runar over 16 years ago
Extra points to the cartoonist for knowledge of linguistically-related Greek affixes (although it should probably be “autodrivolalia”)!
kirbey over 16 years ago
I use to sing and make funny vrumm, vrumm sounds when I had children in the car… Now I just talk to the other drivers… “don’t even think your turning there” and “oh no you didn’t” being the 1# statements. My dogs don’t seem to mind and one of them is usually throwing up in the back.. so it is really no big deal
Me_Again over 14 years ago
What about the Yodeling Duck Impression?
lollyfairy22 about 13 years ago
i love alice’s expression in the third panal! priceless!
fishbulb239 over 12 years ago
None of us should, Alice. None of us should.