Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for November 13, 2008
Miss Bliss: The first step in making a handprint turkey is to carefully trace your hand on the paper plate. And remember, creativity plus Neatness equals Art. Alice: Wow! Look at that! It's my hand! Ha ha! Beni: I hear that handprint turkeys are kept on file by the FBI to identify future criminals. Alice: The Handprint of Alice! I almost hate to deface it with a stupid turkey.
margueritem about 16 years ago
The FBI must have millions of those handprint turkeys!
ewennick about 16 years ago
Did they run yesterday’s and today’s comic in the wrong order? Yesterday they were decorating their handprints, today they’re doing ‘the first step’ and cutting them out.
JHSayers about 16 years ago
Wow: “creativity plus neatness equals art”… is THAT ever a scary/terrific line!
theeleventhdoctor about 16 years ago
I love the comic where Alice traces her fist instead of her hand. It’s only in the treasury.
StewS2 about 12 years ago
NO, the FBI uses the handprint turkeys during Amber Alerts.
Omniman over 5 years ago
Homeland security analysts have observed that less than 5% of domestic terrorists have handprint turkeys on file, but the NSA continues to collect them “just in case.”