FoxTrot en Español by Bill Amend for June 08, 2013

  1. My boys
    woodworker318  about 11 years ago

    Phantom: Still waiting

    Mary Worth: Elinor is still feeling sorry for herself. Will Mary let her have it with both barrels and then she will be mad at her or will she sugarcoat it?

    Rex Morgan: Yes, get back to work. The world doesn’t stop because of Milton, although he thinks it revolves around him. By Rex’s expression on his face he isn’t too happy.

    Mark Trail: Mark must be able to hypnotize animals to be able to hold the otter that way with out being ripped to shreds. Now, what do we do about the baby otter? Leave Rusty there to feed it while it’s mother recovers?

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  2. 705px china xinjiang.svg
    arye uygur  about 11 years ago

    MARY WORTH: Let’s see what Mary has to tell Elinor.

    REX MORGAN: On to the rest of Milton’s stress test.

    APT3G: It looks like the governor has arranged a hair styling for LuAnn in time for the governor’s ball. It’s about time LuAnn had that shag trimmed.

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  3. Rick
    davidf42  about 11 years ago

    Rex Morgan – It seems Milton is in his element. He must have the excitement in order to maintain a normal balance.Mark Trail – Woodworker, I was wondering that too. Even though Mark saved the animal’s life, wouldn’t the animal be kicking and scratching right now?Mandrake – Wierd

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  4. Florchi 2
    florchi  about 11 years ago

    PHANTOM: The 707 pilot, Ted West had a similar drawing of a hot-air balloon on his business card – what is the connection?MANDRAKE: Both Phantom & Mandrake are involved in mysteries that seem to involve the “Twilight Zone.”JUDGE PARKER: An Aztec wizard? Randy appears underwhelmed.

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  5. Th
    marvee  about 11 years ago

    @ Florchi, good point about Phantom and Mandrake. They’re done by different people now, but I wonder if they talk.Judge Parker – Randy looks upset by the idea of a wizard performing the ceremony. I’m surprised he hadn’t asked about that. I wonder if Alan, as a retired judge, could do it in a more conventional way.Mary Worth – Mary would be HAPPY to tell you what she thinks. She’s been holding it back too long.Funky – Everything is going to fit together nicely.Rex Morgan – Milton seems to be very controlled, but I think there is some underlying problem to be discovered.

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