Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for June 11, 2013
Satchel: How was the vet's? Bucky: Pokey let me out of here. Rob: You can't come out until you promise to be calm. Satchel: Aww! Wook at de wittle kitty in his box! Rob: Not so wittle, actually, the vet put him on a diet. Satchel: Ha ha ha! Bucky: You ought to be worried about this too, pooch! This is bigger than just me! Satchel: Sorry, I'm not worried about your underwear, either, Buck! Hey-o!
hometownk Premium Member over 11 years ago
OMG! This is too funny. And it isn’t safe to let Bucky out of the carry cage. And what does underwear have to do with it? Bucky on a diet. Will this be good for one or two weeks’ worth of strips??? Stay tuned.
peggykb9 over 11 years ago
Another rerun….
WoodEye over 11 years ago
The look on Rob’s face in panel 4 is a giveaway.
morningglory73 Premium Member over 11 years ago
In the last panel you can see Bucky’s little paw trying to reach out and make a grab at Satch.
RG_Dustbin over 11 years ago
If we are going down the re-run path, it is surely about time to re-run the tail of Satchel’s International Dogs’ Forum arc – when Bucky was very rude about Satchel’s friends, he finally got angry and Bucky quickly had to learn that a two pound cat should be rather more careful about annoying a three stone dawg or expect to be slapped around! Satch needs to remember it too and stop being as wet as a haddock’s bathing suit/western politician……
tazz555 over 11 years ago
Found out why there has been so much reprints. It turns out Darby is never on time. I went to a comic convention this past weekend. I went to a comic strip panel (he wasnt there) and an editor for the local paper said they had to drop get fuzzy due to the lack of new strips
Varnes over 11 years ago
Seriously, anybody understand the underwear thing?