I simply do not grasp why people ask this question. It is parameter based, so if you believe the parameter is based in creationism, then God created a chicken and it laid an egg— the chicken came first— while if your boundary is defined as limited to evolution, one day something that was NOT a chicken laid an egg, and in due course, what hatched WAS a chicken.
edclectic over 11 years ago
Folks will be scrambling to make some lame yolks.
GROG Premium Member over 11 years ago
That egg looks rotten.
Fantom Premium Member over 11 years ago
The egg seems shell-shocked.
TheAuldWan over 11 years ago
LingeeWhiz over 11 years ago
The egg is steamed!!!!!
xpurplezebra over 11 years ago
Road Rage!
peachyanddanny over 11 years ago
Actually, it’s the disappointed look on the egg’s face while the chicken lights a post-coital cigarette that proves it.
bmonk over 11 years ago
I’m thinking that looks like a rotten egg! (He is the last one over. . . .)
caller49 over 11 years ago
I think that both the chicken and egg are cracked.
colcam over 11 years ago
I simply do not grasp why people ask this question. It is parameter based, so if you believe the parameter is based in creationism, then God created a chicken and it laid an egg— the chicken came first— while if your boundary is defined as limited to evolution, one day something that was NOT a chicken laid an egg, and in due course, what hatched WAS a chicken.
Define your parameters and you have an answer.
Larry Miller Premium Member over 11 years ago
Late getting in here today and no one’s noted the handy bushes. Are hands the new faces here?
garysnorton over 11 years ago
Superb duplicity.