Monty by Jim Meddick for October 15, 2010
Monty says, "You really think all politicians are in the pocket of special interests, and elections are pointless?" Gretchen says, "Basically? and if you want real change, there has to be some sorta insurrection." Monty says, "Are? are you talking armed rebellion?!" Gretchen says, "Of course not... you know how I feel about violence..." Gretchen says, "No. But this country definitely needs something... what it needs is... is a..." Gretch says, "Maybe a Twitter insurrection?" Moondog says, "I'm sure the powers that be are trembling."
djingodjango over 5 years ago
Whoa……And this episode is almost 10 years old…Scary, but prophetic.
Dennett Premium Member 6 months ago
…and four more years later, this story arc still could have been written today!