Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for June 30, 2013
Marigold: I am ready for fishing! Phoebe: You don't look ready. Marigold I AM! I have brushed my mane and rolled in glitter! I am ready to fish for compliments! Phoebe: I meant fishing for fish. Marigold: Who fishes for fish? Phoebe: Everybody. That's why they cal it "fishing." Marigold: I did always wonder. Phoebe: You DO look nice. Marigold: First catch of the day.
kaykeyser over 11 years ago
Oh Marigold…but now I want to see a picture of Marigold in a fishermen hat and vest with a bobber and bait ties to her tail and a catfish skewed on her horn, roasting over a camp fire. Or at least her in the hat with the tail and bober in the water. The world needs more fan art. Maybe I’ll just go to Colors 3D and make more. But not this one Im bad at unicorns.
Hussell over 11 years ago
This strip always makes me laugh
The Life I Draw Upon over 11 years ago
And you don’t have to clean the compliments.
ewalnut over 11 years ago
How does she brush her mane?
siggygirl2 over 11 years ago
I’ve been covered in glitter. But I was working at a Hallmark store. :)
Hag5000 over 11 years ago
it would be tough for Marigold to go fishing and avoid looking at her reflection in the water. Maybe she could use a “auto-fish attract to lure” spell.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 11 years ago
Marigold appears to be an accomplished angler.
Stellagal over 11 years ago
I wonder how many strokes it takes to do a unicorn’s mane?
Simon_Jester over 11 years ago
Gonna go hit Lake Washington for some Cutts, are we?
But Marigold’s ensemble is not quite complete; she deeds to have her hooves varnished, and put some baby oil around her eyes ( Equine eye shadow. )
Mickeylacey over 11 years ago
love her!!!!!
Comic Minister Premium Member over 11 years ago
Good fishing outfit Phoebe.
joe-b-cool over 11 years ago
Phoebe’s fishing outfit is priceless!
John W Kennedy Premium Member over 11 years ago
You sure Marigold didn’t go to vaudeville camp?
kaykeyser over 11 years ago
I can just imagine Max’s idea of camping. Sitting by the spawn point with the sniper rifle.
Masterius over 11 years ago
Marigold always looks lovely!
blackshire over 11 years ago
The ancient Greeks believed that the gods did not subtract from a mortal’s allotted days to live the number of days spent fishing. If Marigold just “off-hoofedly” mentioned this to Phoebe, the comedic effects could be wide-ranging, and they could continue well after she returns home from camp…
Kark_The_Red_Canadian_Dragon 7 months ago
“Fishing for fish??? You humans have strange ways…”