Rose is Rose by Don Wimmer and Pat Brady for July 19, 2013
Rose: Aunt Betty moved...we'll have to send a house-warming gift! Jimbo: Gift? Jimbo: What kind of gift? Rose: Oh, I don't know...a houseplant is always a nice idea! Plant: Does that mean one of us is leaving? Plant: I won't go! I have seniority! Plant: Hide me!
gocomics over 11 years ago
The hanging one reminds me a bit of Little Shop of Horrors
Zero-Gabriel over 11 years ago
Go with food, it’s here today, gone in half an hour or so…Plants, you have take care of for a very long time…
Wren Fahel over 11 years ago
No guarantee that Aunt Betty has a green thumb! Both my mother and my mother-in-law are talented gardeners, while both my husband and I can kill PLASTIC plants!
buick322 over 11 years ago
Can you imagine plants that talk??? You’d think this was a comic strip!
Allen Rymer over 11 years ago
hmmm. the hanging one looks like a newer incarnation of Robert the Plant.
Sharon Hayes over 11 years ago
I don’t know how those plants survive with a cat in the house. Mine dig in the dirt or chew on the leaves or knock it over so I gave up on houseplants a long time ago.
Doctor11 over 11 years ago
Rose will probably go to a store to buy a plant or some other present.
pierreandnicole over 11 years ago
rekam Premium Member over 11 years ago
My hubby and I both said we had Black Thumbs, not green ones.
Gokie5 over 11 years ago
I feel so sorry for a lot of Poinsettias right after Christmas – many people don’t water theirs. I’ve told employees of several restaurants that their Poinsettias need watering. (Also the grocery I frequent stopped watering its live herbs, f’gosh sakes!)
trekkermint over 11 years ago
My cat just killed another houseplant, a dracena, snapped in half, and a palm is on the way out. This is after years of leaving the plants alone.
jbeany over 11 years ago
My house plants would be volunteering…“Pick me! I want to liiiiiiive!!!!”
water_moon over 11 years ago
I love my house plants, many of them are 10+ years old and last time I moved (in Dec.) I thought a bunch of them died thanks to the cold and shock (they were in the cab of the moving van with me but I couldn’t carry them all in to the hotels over night) but then 3 or 4 months later (dry soil, in the dark, pots waiting for spring so I could new guys going) 2 or 3 of them ended up being ALIVE! So I’d love that kind of gift, but my hubby would’t….. .p.s. best way to protect plants from kitty is to put hot sauce on the stems/leaves and make sure you have cat nip, grass, or other roughtage for kitty that IS allowed.
hk Premium Member over 2 years ago
My wife starts them and then most die. I ask why she keeps doing it and she says, “Just to remind you of what I am capable of.” I go to my den quietly.