Frog Applause by Teresa Burritt for June 30, 2008

  1. Orangeme
    lrope  over 16 years ago

    What duckface tagged today’s strip? Since when is “in” a tag? What is “tounges”? And why are “balls” and “meatballs” tags? This strip has nothing to do with either.

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  2. Sloop
    sloop  over 16 years ago

    That big guy with a hat never wins. No matter what he says or does, he gets jiu-jitsued.

    Italian is a beautiful language. Even DUCKFACE sounds nice.

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  3. Orangeme
    lrope  over 16 years ago

    I see the tag fairy has been here and tidied up the tags. Please drop by and do the same for my closets.

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  4. Prettyfeet
    prettyfeet  over 16 years ago

    duckface! duckface! ducface!

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  5. Sea chapel
    6turtle9  about 12 years ago

    Don’t you know? This is how ducks make love.

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