For Kevin I suppose that might be torture. But only until he realized Rush was right, then he’d be a dittohead too. You can only face the truth for so long until it’s hard to deny it anymore. Try listening to him regularly for a few months.
" Depends on what you mean by “conservative” and “liberal” in this context." It’s a talking point for the superficial. Both Burke and Churchill meant something quite different than how it is credited to them. “Liberal” in the pre-Commonwealth times, when the sun never set on The British Empire, meant what we would call a Libertarian. Conservatives sought to retain the perks of Empire, and promoted social programmes from whence merit could propel a man to prosperity.It is a pet peeve of mine when someone takes a quote out of context state a directly opposite position.I watched a second pet peeve develop before my eyes when due to Ann Coulter said that Mussolini created Fascism. False. Anyone who has a passing acquaintance with the History of the Roman Empire, without even reading Gibbon, would know Fasces were popularised during the times of the Caesars, and referred to an almost universal story of a bundles of sticks were stronger than individual sticks. A fasces was a bundle of sticks. Likewise, Special Interest Groups, have bonded together to make USA a Fascist Republic with whoever can be the Great Pretender gets elected, and again and again.Tangential Peeve: Ben Franklin is credited with a great many wise sayings. In fact, at first he was a printer’s devil and went on to be a publisher, in a time when most books were vanity publications. He was in a position to determine which thoughts resonated with people enough so the author ordered second and third printings, and sift through the ideas percolating up in colonial and post colonial times. It might be a reach to call Franklin the greatest plagiarist of his time, but he certainly borrowed from many great minds. JusSayin
I am no liberal in the current sense, nor conservative. I am a very well trained economist, and was a strong enough supporter of Ronald Reagan to secure some great positions and access.Aside from my opinions mixed in with facts about Ben Franklin, I defy you to find one error in my facts about Burke or Churchill, or the British vernacular of their times or about Fascism. Reagan would have been run out of the Republican Party by Fringe Groups, the most successful of which are powered by the pawns of the real rich. If you have not twenty millions dollars, or make less than over eight hundred thousands of USDollars per annum neither party has your interests at heart, unless you can deliver a lot of bundled money or votes. It is a traditional Fascist Republic, whether one blames unions or bankers or any other Special Interest Group. All the SIGs exert control over governmental actions. That is naked fascism.
PastStepOne over 11 years ago
Wow, that’s cold. That’s too cruel even for Kevin! I’d rather be waterboarded!
PastStepOne over 11 years ago
For Kevin I suppose that might be torture. But only until he realized Rush was right, then he’d be a dittohead too. You can only face the truth for so long until it’s hard to deny it anymore. Try listening to him regularly for a few months.
SCOTTtheBADGER over 11 years ago
Cardinal Fang, with a comfy chair?
pschearer Premium Member over 11 years ago
They do mean well. They also do evil, malevolence, and hatred well.
wdpeck over 11 years ago
Well, we’re dragging this scenario out, aren’t we?
katey11 Premium Member over 11 years ago
Maybe a bunch of little kids get to pet the cute little bunny. Kevin would hate that.
dogday Premium Member over 11 years ago
If you dish it — and he could — you gotta be able to take it.
BillWa over 11 years ago
He is probably a subscriber to Rush 24/7. Kevin is probably being forced to hearing Chris Matthews have Obasams
JusSayin over 11 years ago
" Depends on what you mean by “conservative” and “liberal” in this context." It’s a talking point for the superficial. Both Burke and Churchill meant something quite different than how it is credited to them. “Liberal” in the pre-Commonwealth times, when the sun never set on The British Empire, meant what we would call a Libertarian. Conservatives sought to retain the perks of Empire, and promoted social programmes from whence merit could propel a man to prosperity.It is a pet peeve of mine when someone takes a quote out of context state a directly opposite position.I watched a second pet peeve develop before my eyes when due to Ann Coulter said that Mussolini created Fascism. False. Anyone who has a passing acquaintance with the History of the Roman Empire, without even reading Gibbon, would know Fasces were popularised during the times of the Caesars, and referred to an almost universal story of a bundles of sticks were stronger than individual sticks. A fasces was a bundle of sticks. Likewise, Special Interest Groups, have bonded together to make USA a Fascist Republic with whoever can be the Great Pretender gets elected, and again and again.Tangential Peeve: Ben Franklin is credited with a great many wise sayings. In fact, at first he was a printer’s devil and went on to be a publisher, in a time when most books were vanity publications. He was in a position to determine which thoughts resonated with people enough so the author ordered second and third printings, and sift through the ideas percolating up in colonial and post colonial times. It might be a reach to call Franklin the greatest plagiarist of his time, but he certainly borrowed from many great minds. JusSayin
JusSayin over 11 years ago
I am no liberal in the current sense, nor conservative. I am a very well trained economist, and was a strong enough supporter of Ronald Reagan to secure some great positions and access.Aside from my opinions mixed in with facts about Ben Franklin, I defy you to find one error in my facts about Burke or Churchill, or the British vernacular of their times or about Fascism. Reagan would have been run out of the Republican Party by Fringe Groups, the most successful of which are powered by the pawns of the real rich. If you have not twenty millions dollars, or make less than over eight hundred thousands of USDollars per annum neither party has your interests at heart, unless you can deliver a lot of bundled money or votes. It is a traditional Fascist Republic, whether one blames unions or bankers or any other Special Interest Group. All the SIGs exert control over governmental actions. That is naked fascism.