The Knight Life by Keith Knight for September 01, 2013
Cop: You're probably wondering why I stopped you!! Its the new predictive policing software!! COP: It shows me where a crime is likely to be committed before it ever happens!! Its current calculation points to this very spot!! It'll be a few seconds before I know what to charge you with!! Cop: wow!! racial profiling!! who have think?!!
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member over 11 years ago
Minority Report for minorities.
Tue Elung-Jensen over 11 years ago
Obviosly defective software.
nickatnite26 over 11 years ago
Sounds a lot like New York’s Stop and Frisk policy.
LOWRIDER84 over 11 years ago
Well, if he isn’t doing something illegal right now, he probably has done something illegal recently.