For what it’s worth, there really was a Dr. Peter Steincrohn who had a newspaper column on health. I remember seeing it as a kid in the 60’s and 70’s in the Miami News.
With no return address, it will end up in the Dead Letter Office, and the receipiant will NEVER get it!.Yes, it will go to the dead letter office and be opened for an address. When no internal return address is found, the letter will be sent to the original address postage due. Federal law requires the Post Office to try to recover the postage funds.
Sherlock Watson over 11 years ago
“Dear Uncomfortable: For starters, stop bellyaching about your problems.”
arye uygur over 11 years ago
Gone are the days when you could send a letter off with just a five-cent stamp on it.
derry1 over 11 years ago
No self-addressed stamped return envelope?
PoodleGroomer over 11 years ago
Thanks to acid reducers and antibiotics, ulcers and stomach surgery are almost unheard of.
BarrettH Premium Member over 11 years ago
For what it’s worth, there really was a Dr. Peter Steincrohn who had a newspaper column on health. I remember seeing it as a kid in the 60’s and 70’s in the Miami News.
quartermain over 11 years ago
Number Three over 11 years ago
It’s OK to ask for help. Though personally I would rather see my doctor.
ladymadcat over 11 years ago
I guess you got what you paid for, Mutt!
Tin Can Twidget over 11 years ago
With no return address, it will end up in the Dead Letter Office, and the receipiant will NEVER get it!.Yes, it will go to the dead letter office and be opened for an address. When no internal return address is found, the letter will be sent to the original address postage due. Federal law requires the Post Office to try to recover the postage funds.