Where I live they sell crustless sandwich bread…the manufacturer had to change the packaging because they made the claim that “most of the calories are in the crust”!! Made me laugh—how is crust different from the bread inside? Or do the calories migrate to the surface?
The real joke is, crustless loaves cost a bit more than the regular kind of the same brand, for slightly less bread by weight.
chireef over 11 years ago
Linux0s over 11 years ago
Whoo baby!
jsab0 over 11 years ago
She’s making his yeast rise.
jazzmoose over 11 years ago
Watch out; you’re going to get a virus that hijacks you to some croissant site!
mikeandersonwa over 11 years ago
Strangely enough, this isn’t an actual website… i was sorely disappointed…
orinoco womble over 11 years ago
Where I live they sell crustless sandwich bread…the manufacturer had to change the packaging because they made the claim that “most of the calories are in the crust”!! Made me laugh—how is crust different from the bread inside? Or do the calories migrate to the surface?
The real joke is, crustless loaves cost a bit more than the regular kind of the same brand, for slightly less bread by weight.
naturally_easy over 11 years ago
Hey! That site really exists!
PICTO over 11 years ago
You should see the jugs over at DirtyDairy.com…
jack fairbanks over 11 years ago
my god, you can see what she had for lunch (hole grain)
MeGoNow Premium Member over 11 years ago
Must be more than day-old to access that site.
mrclean_mrclean over 11 years ago
Make sure if you go to that website you’re old enough to get bread.
sbchamp over 11 years ago
Risque Rye
Digital Frog over 11 years ago
If his wife catches him, he’s toast.
ossiningaling over 11 years ago
If the missus catches him, he’s toast.
dumbbobsbrother over 11 years ago
Mmmm, soft core bread porn.
Coyoty Premium Member over 11 years ago
She looks processed to me.
Paul Rider Premium Member over 11 years ago
Can’t wait to see the gluten free.
Stephen Gilberg over 11 years ago
Would a crack about a “breadbox” be over the line?
jeffdos924 over 11 years ago
If his wife walks in, he’ll be toast.
pouncingtiger over 11 years ago
it cost a lot of dough to become a member