Frazz by Jef Mallett for September 24, 2013
Caulfield: May I be excused? I have to go placate the ol' pressure portal. Mrs. Olsen: Oh, honestly, Caulfield. Just go. Frazz: What does that mean? Caulfield: To me it means get a head start on recess. I can't be responsible for what it means in Mrs. Olsen's head.
Badeyes over 11 years ago
Wow I must be tired the first pass I swore it said pleasure portal.
Katiekicks over 11 years ago
Re: nabuquduriuzherIt means you look forward to going to school because you want to learn, but every day it falls short of expectations. And in high school it means your teachers have to ask you to stop answering questions and they joke about letting you teach the class
Constantinepaleologos over 11 years ago
Calvin once did something just like this.“I have to go—bad.”…“What are you doing home?”“I had to go.”
gmforde over 11 years ago
Caulfield, the gift that keeps on going….lol
hippogriff over 11 years ago
DutchUncle: Around here, where football is the state religion and other sports are tolerated as freedom of religion, a third of both capital expenditures (stadium, training facilities, etc.)and faculty (no male teachers hired unless they are also coaches) goes to the sports for about fifty male students. Title 9 is ignored.
Varnes over 11 years ago
A good teacher only needs a piece of chalk and a blackboard to explain things….Or felt marker…..In my life we’ve gone from blackboards, then white boards, and now smart boards….