Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for October 03, 2013
Zebra: What the heck is that thing? Goat: It's a drone. They're remote-controlled planes used by the government to hunt down terrorists. Zebra: Why would it be following us? Goat: Must be some new defense department employee who doesn't know what he's doing. Rat: That's very insulting.
jnik23260 over 11 years ago
Shouldn’t Rat be going after Carmen and Winslow?
Sherlock Watson over 11 years ago
The whole concept of drones seems to be ripped off from the movie Toys, in which a military nut takes over a toy factory.:It’s now up to Robin Williams to save us all!
Reppr Premium Member over 11 years ago
Rat living life vicariously. Headset, earphones, and a big overview.
juicebruce over 11 years ago
Where is Rat’s baseball bat at on that drone ?
John Falstaff over 11 years ago
“Drizzle, drazzle, druzzle, drone—time for ziss vun to come home!”
Sisyphos over 11 years ago
If it’s any consolation, Goat and Zeeba Neighba, that particular drone seems to be very small and unarmed. So, run for cover!How did Rat get the controller-pilot’s job?
Enoki over 11 years ago
That isn’t a real government drone! Those all crashed yesterday after they ran out of gas and their operators were furloughed…
jmartin1955 over 11 years ago
Given that console Pastis had to draw, I’m guessing we won’t be seeing a lot of this story line.
rugeirn over 11 years ago
Believe it or not, you can actually buy depleted uranium shot shells marketed as anti-drone loads. Just google tacnition.
SwimsWithSharks over 11 years ago
Rat didn’t get hired. He just walked in because the shutdown furloughed the guards too.
Ozark12 over 11 years ago
If Lil Guard Duck gets one, BE VERY AFRAID!
flashnzoom over 11 years ago
rshive over 11 years ago
Unpaid replacements during the shutdown.
singlefemalelaywer over 11 years ago
a drone crashed in front of a New Yorker yesterday, illegally flying in downtown Manhattan. The man saved the sd card and turned it over to the news. i would have just thrown the whole thing under the first passing bus that were rolling by………………
Number Three over 11 years ago
I am actually glad Rat had heard that.
LOL xxx
Vet Premium Member over 11 years ago
Target a Hellfire missile Rat, that will learn them to not dis’ you like that.
Cheapskate0 over 11 years ago
jnik23260 and Earl Crockydile: Wonderful references to comics and cartoons I have seen over the decades!.Tutor Turtle was rather creepy in that he seemed incompetent at any given potential career..But Carmen and Winslow were incredibly funny and topical, even though I disagreed with their politics..Actually, I don’t really care what your politics are, as long as your argument is intelligent…
finnygirl Premium Member over 11 years ago
littleannoyingdog over 11 years ago
What is it a hover drone ???
Themanofoor54 almost 4 years ago
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