I think he’ll be o.k. his round shape will help him roll with the punches……………..Don’t let them get to close with the javelin throwing contest though………….and watch out for horses practicing wall jumping………….the King’s entourage is a rowdy bunch…………….
I"m getting so nervous watching all of this that my branches are shaking and some of my leaves are falling off but not enough to make a pile and cushion for him to fall on.
The King will be furious………..you two civilians get out of the way…………..you two soldiers go over to that farm house and see if they have an extra egg………and you two get on your horses and go find a chicken.We’ll see what gets back first………the chicken or the egg.
These two peasants were just out for a walk in the park and they came across this shaky round thing trying to balance its’ self on a stone wall. They wondered is this an alien or some royal prankster who got lost after a late night party, abandoned by his footman and suffering from a terrific hangover, so bad he feels his head is going to crack open, so dizzy he feels he’s going to tumble……………..
TREEINTHEWIND over 11 years ago
I see Humpty Dumpty under my branches trying to dance on the wall again……..I see so many weird things from up here..
TREEINTHEWIND over 11 years ago
Who wears a bow tie in the woods on a picnic?…………..
TREEINTHEWIND over 11 years ago
Hard boiled eggs and questionable mushrooms could make you sick and dizzy……………
TREEINTHEWIND over 11 years ago
This place is going to get pretty crowded soon,,,,,,,,,,, I can see the King’s men and horses camped out in the next meadow………
punmeister over 11 years ago
Even with a lot of royal help, poor Humpty can’t seem to get it together (again).
TREEINTHEWIND over 11 years ago
Who took down the “No Danceing” signs?
They had to go back to the sign shop – spelling error……..
TREEINTHEWIND over 11 years ago
At least they can’t blame his falling off me on slippery conditions..I haven’t been frosted yet…………
TREEINTHEWIND over 11 years ago
I think he’ll be o.k. his round shape will help him roll with the punches……………..Don’t let them get to close with the javelin throwing contest though………….and watch out for horses practicing wall jumping………….the King’s entourage is a rowdy bunch…………….
TREEINTHEWIND over 11 years ago
Impenetrability won’t save you from cracking faults.
TREEINTHEWIND over 11 years ago
I"m getting so nervous watching all of this that my branches are shaking and some of my leaves are falling off but not enough to make a pile and cushion for him to fall on.
TREEINTHEWIND over 11 years ago
Don’t let them get too close…………argh………
TREEINTHEWIND over 11 years ago
The King will be furious………..you two civilians get out of the way…………..you two soldiers go over to that farm house and see if they have an extra egg………and you two get on your horses and go find a chicken.We’ll see what gets back first………the chicken or the egg.
comics over 11 years ago
Nice summer, maybe. Not sure how his “Fall” will be however ….
TREEINTHEWIND over 11 years ago
You mean you didn’t get invited?
TREEINTHEWIND over 11 years ago
These two peasants were just out for a walk in the park and they came across this shaky round thing trying to balance its’ self on a stone wall. They wondered is this an alien or some royal prankster who got lost after a late night party, abandoned by his footman and suffering from a terrific hangover, so bad he feels his head is going to crack open, so dizzy he feels he’s going to tumble……………..
ChessPirate over 11 years ago
What Humpty needs is an “Endless Summer”.
Tin Can Twidget over 11 years ago
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