Monty by Jim Meddick for September 30, 2013
Part of cowboy life I could get used to... Bunkin' down under the stars... The plaintive calls of coyotes off in the distance, and... What was that?... I'm not sure, but it sounded like a miniature schnauzer. We better fan out and investigate... Oh, @#$@#, Doc, it's an Apache warrior,,, you idiot! I told you I'm not good at coyotes!
hometownk Premium Member about 11 years ago
How did they manage to escape from town?
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 11 years ago
They haven’t really escaped… these guys are dogging their footsteps.
Sisyphos about 11 years ago
Arf! Arf! —Are you sure it isn’t some lost little red-headed orphan kid and her dog? What Apaches? I don’t see any Apaches. (Famous Last Words.)
nitromicro about 11 years ago
Monty has met his Apache match!
PICTO about 11 years ago
Apaches don’t attack at night, but apparently miniature Schnauzers do.
billyruffian about 11 years ago
That’s what happens when you get punished in school for using your own language
stamps about 11 years ago
Well, what do you expect, it’s Indian Summer.
boldyuma about 11 years ago
Should have tried the Hoot Owl, or, maybe theWhippoorwill..Mingo on Daniel Boone did a mean Hoot Owl.
Chalkeye about 11 years ago
Blackfoot Pawnee Cheyenne Crow!Ap-a-che A-rap-a-ho