Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for September 26, 2013

  1. Dsc00030
    alviebird  over 11 years ago

    An indirect breach of the fourth wall?

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  2. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member over 11 years ago

    I recently read a complaint that NYC no longer has any good bagel places. Someone explained that bagels are traditionally dipped in a lye solution to create the chewy crust and help in the browning. But since lye is caustic, OSHA required these places to add emergency eye baths and showers. The stores found it easier to just make a doughier, paler bagel. The law of unintended consequences. (If you have trouble understanding what this has to do with the cartoon,… well, just think about it.)

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    Davison77  over 11 years ago

    Last week they were focusing on Gene, his wife, and their garden. What happened to that story?

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  4. Wwi us c h porterfield
    GR6  over 11 years ago

    OSHA-approved cartoon sight gag?

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    Varnes  over 11 years ago

    Our sense of humor is slipping…..

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  6. Lounge a bof
    sbchamp  over 11 years ago

    Put it in the street, they’ll paint over it…

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  7. Tigerfarts
    SpicyNacho Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Too many lawyers, anymore, for even a good old fashioned cartoon gag!

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    stiaudio  over 11 years ago

    This is great. One of the classic examples of why Arlo and Janis is a truly amazing strip. Thanks.

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    yoda1234  over 11 years ago

    OSHA-compliant prat-fall.

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    Chuck_it_all  over 11 years ago
    Funny: Man walking toward banana peel, gets closer and closer, steps on banana peel, slips and falls.

    Funnier: Man walking toward banana peel, gets closer and closer, sees banana peel, steps over banana peel, falls in open manhole.

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  11. Images
    Doctor_McCoy  over 11 years ago

    I haven’t seen a banana peel joke for years! But, I do remember them.

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  12. Hank   alex 2015
    hankgillette  over 11 years ago

    The first man (and second human) to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel and survive later died after slipping on an orange peel!

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    mafastore  over 11 years ago

    pschearer -

    Bagels are suppose to be boiled before baking. A true bagel will have the toppings on both sides because of this. I have never heard of dipping it in a lye solution. Soft pretzels, on the other hand, are dipped in same if they are made cheaply and improperly.

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