Not really clear what’s going on here. Is the idea that, instead of the slippers taking Dorothy home, they brought her house to her? Or is it that wearing ruby slippers statistically increases the odds of a tornado-borne house landing on you?
As for movie versus book, both are wonderful, but there are a ton of differences between the two, not the least of which is that the events of the book were not a dream. For a different take on the whole Oz business, see Philip Jose Farmer’s novel, A Barnstormer in Oz.
margueritem over 11 years ago
I can see why it was a flop with preview audiences.
Linux0s over 11 years ago
Blam! (roll credits)
bluskies over 11 years ago
Who’s gonna get the slippers now?
Allen Rymer over 11 years ago
talk about raising the roof….
Forsanet over 11 years ago
Karma, Dorothy…
Seiko over 11 years ago
There were thirteen other Oz books by Baum, all of which might make a good movie.
Hugh B. Hayve over 11 years ago
They could have ended it with a Sharknado….
cdward over 11 years ago
But an ending much loved by wicked witches everywhere.
jreckard over 11 years ago
The Fall of the House of Gale, by L. Frank Bomb
The Reader Premium Member over 11 years ago
This ending works! After all it was established early on in the film, that wearing those slippers was dangerous for that very reason.
Darryl Heine over 11 years ago
The house landed on Dorothy?
Thomas Hamrick Premium Member over 11 years ago
We’re not in Kansas any more—-
Digital Frog over 11 years ago
Stephen Gilberg over 11 years ago
In the 1939 movie, we do see the house come crashing down right before she wakes up.
Me3000 over 11 years ago
for the tin man home is where your heart isfor the scar crow, home is in the mind of the beholderfor the cowerdly lion HOME IS COMING RUN!
paullp Premium Member over 11 years ago
Not really clear what’s going on here. Is the idea that, instead of the slippers taking Dorothy home, they brought her house to her? Or is it that wearing ruby slippers statistically increases the odds of a tornado-borne house landing on you?
As for movie versus book, both are wonderful, but there are a ton of differences between the two, not the least of which is that the events of the book were not a dream. For a different take on the whole Oz business, see Philip Jose Farmer’s novel, A Barnstormer in Oz.
mrneophyte over 11 years ago
’The Day of the Jackal" seemed pretty true to the book.
Donald Ingram over 11 years ago
Pretty disgusting ending to a nice story, glad it is not used!
danlarios over 11 years ago
I wonder what realtor will handle this deal?
pcolli over 11 years ago
My head can come up with more weird situations than that of “The Wizard fo Oz”…….so tame.