Gil Thorp by Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill for October 04, 2013

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    chiphilton  over 11 years ago

    Big-time teams don’t get their facemasks tangled and take a delay of game penalty.

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    kdizzle  over 11 years ago

    Big-time teams don’t get their facemasks tangled and take a delay of game penalty.

    Because I am an idiot I feel compelled to point out that technically, panel 3 is a 2 dimensional representation of a fictional event, therefore it would be physically impossible for the players facemasks to get tangled.



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    jimbogbp  over 11 years ago

    P3: By the way … you’re mouthwash ain’t making it.

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  4. Luhm 2 27 10
    Mopman  over 11 years ago

    P3 – Too bad the rest of the team isn’t privy to their conversation. I don’t know if it’s physically possible for 3 guys to get that close to each other.

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  5. 2015 wku chf golf scramble
    bearwku82  over 11 years ago

    I think we are playing with house money Thorpsters. I predidicted we would get 9 panels of game action with a bit of Moonpie. 12 panels so far, Rubin and Whigham have proven me wrong. To set you mind at ease Cheezwhizzer, that is a track encircling the playing field.

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  6. Gil thorp
    chujusmith  over 11 years ago

    In the spirit of pointing out the obvious in today’s strip, those are pom poms the cheerleader is holding in P2 and is NOT some unnatural and freakish poofy growth on her hands.

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  7. Milford
    miffedmax  over 11 years ago

    The guys’ facemasks have become entwined with the aliens’ tentacles!

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  8. Curly pres
    jmcx4  over 11 years ago

    “megaphone in his ear..” hahaha hard of herring, I reckon.

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    kdizzle  over 11 years ago

    Yes it’s all about you, getting the attention you crave. I’m done, it’s way more fun taking pot shots at the art and storyline.

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    tedybgame  over 11 years ago

    Betcha we have a Koy Nash sighting after the game. Probably with some thugs. Big John and the Troys will probably step in and the bond will be made.

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    cuttersjock  over 11 years ago

    ….something so pathetic and sad, Cheezwhiz, that you just don’t get it…

    kdizzle, I admire your ability to isolate but this is sucking the Gilforce out of me!

    Suggestion to Neil and Rod: a new storyline about an annoying dweeb who continues babble about his Mary-Kate and Ashley lunchbox to anyone he meets and can’t understand why he gets stuffed into lockers. Wears AV Club sweater vest proudly, despite the ridicule.

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    DaleJQP  over 11 years ago

    Talent is not necessarily a positive asset. Roasts seem to be for people who are still slightly above “TV personality”.

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  13. Nancy pie hole
    hablano  over 11 years ago

    I remember some of our cheers, mostly written by our physics teacher, the late Chuck Tryz:

    Ambulate!Ambulate!Move the ball over the field!

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