Cosmo has the fire department flush his house once a year – whether it needs it or not. Nothing like a high pressure fire horse to get a bachelor pad really clean ( that and 10 gallons of Clorox )
but not untypical of some ol’ unmarried men who just don’t pick up after themselves at all, an’ eventually become oblivious to the immense clutter.
I take umbrage at that ! On behalf of a lot of unmarried men, let me say that while I by no means have OCD , I keep my home a lot neater and cleaner than many, many single and/or married women I know. I have dated women whose apartments looked like a tornado had gone through it – especially, if there were more than one or two occupants living there.Both my parents had to work for a living which meant that my brother and I were taught to do everything from dishes to dusting and were expected to keep the house neat and clean, Sure, as boys, were were messy but it required the we clean up after ourselves.Those habits don’t die, but they have to be taught. I do blame the moms and dads for not instilling that sense of pride and accomplishment in keeping a house clean, just because the kid is male.
DoctorLarryO over 11 years ago
After all this time the butler probably died and they haven’t found the body.
Linguist over 11 years ago
Cosmo has the fire department flush his house once a year – whether it needs it or not. Nothing like a high pressure fire horse to get a bachelor pad really clean ( that and 10 gallons of Clorox )
Weakstream over 11 years ago
I start upstairs with a leafblower and work my way down.
Linguist over 11 years ago
but not untypical of some ol’ unmarried men who just don’t pick up after themselves at all, an’ eventually become oblivious to the immense clutter.
I take umbrage at that ! On behalf of a lot of unmarried men, let me say that while I by no means have OCD , I keep my home a lot neater and cleaner than many, many single and/or married women I know. I have dated women whose apartments looked like a tornado had gone through it – especially, if there were more than one or two occupants living there.Both my parents had to work for a living which meant that my brother and I were taught to do everything from dishes to dusting and were expected to keep the house neat and clean, Sure, as boys, were were messy but it required the we clean up after ourselves.Those habits don’t die, but they have to be taught. I do blame the moms and dads for not instilling that sense of pride and accomplishment in keeping a house clean, just because the kid is male.
unca jim over 11 years ago
Yeah, like Linguist said !
AnotherFineMess almost 3 years ago
I like the tire.