Amy: Job interview today,
Ray: Honey, I got you this brand new attache case.
Amy: wow, thanks dear.
Ray: Smooch
Sam: and i made you this card,
amy: aww thanks sammy
Lola: I wrote you this filthy limerick for an icebreaker.
Amy: Thank you Lola.
rshive about 11 years ago
There once was a lady from Bath…..aww, forgot the rest.
dzw3030 about 11 years ago
There was a young man from BostonWho drove a shiny red Austin.There was room for his girl but her dog had to ride in the back (The censors demanded a re-write.)
dzw3030 about 11 years ago
Like “The Hedgehog Song”? ;-)
Comic Minister Premium Member about 11 years ago
Great kissing you two!