Wishing you maximum levels of luck in dealing with the mental midgets in charge of major media, but beware… you KNOW they’re going to want to make minor ‘adjustments’ in your story… “Have you ever sold drugs? Can we make you a rapper instead of a cartoonist? Your German wife, can we make her a former Stasi agent now working for the North Koreans?”
6turtle9 over 11 years ago
NathandeGargoyle over 11 years ago
You get my vote kid. Go break a leg (or two or however many you think necessary)
NathandeGargoyle over 11 years ago
N.B. Not your own legs obviously.
ludovicianus over 11 years ago
This needs to happen!
Craig Wittler over 11 years ago
Wishing you maximum levels of luck in dealing with the mental midgets in charge of major media, but beware… you KNOW they’re going to want to make minor ‘adjustments’ in your story… “Have you ever sold drugs? Can we make you a rapper instead of a cartoonist? Your German wife, can we make her a former Stasi agent now working for the North Koreans?”
Dragon0131 over 11 years ago
Some how I missed this yesterday, but good luck, Mr. Knight!
Michelle Morris over 11 years ago
Good luck,Keef! I hope I get to audition for your show!
Lary Youngsteadt over 11 years ago
Best of luck. But NO NOT FOX!!!!!
CLaudiaAnn Premium Member over 11 years ago
tommysmo over 11 years ago
good luck, Keef!