And let the innuendo fly?
Why is everyone like rain today? They all wound up in the gutter.
“And let the innuendo fly?” —-thus becoming outuendo?
Now I understand yesterday’s strip! Pants? He don’t have no stinkin’ pants.
This made me laugh so hard I snorted!
February 08, 2017
ellisaana Premium Member over 11 years ago
And let the innuendo fly?
abbatis over 11 years ago
Why is everyone like rain today? They all wound up in the gutter.
dirgis3 over 11 years ago
“And let the innuendo fly?” —-thus becoming outuendo?
pam Miner over 11 years ago
Now I understand yesterday’s strip! Pants? He don’t have no stinkin’ pants.
amethyst52 Premium Member over 11 years ago
This made me laugh so hard I snorted!