Using a credit card is OK provided you pay it off before you incur interest (and count the money as GONE the instant you charge it). But that takes a lot of discipline. The store would still take cash though, and provided you have the cash, you can always get it out of the bank before you go to the store.
We use a frequent flyer credit card for EVERYTHING, then pay it off every month and don’t have to buy plane tickets. You do have to have the discipline not to buy something you can’t pay for at the end of the month. Haven’t carried a balance for years.
Bald fat and ugly about 11 years ago
Owning a large TV doesn’t make you a moron, buying one on credit and paying more than twice the sale price due to ridiculous interest rates does.
scottjsmith.peng about 11 years ago
Using a credit card is OK provided you pay it off before you incur interest (and count the money as GONE the instant you charge it). But that takes a lot of discipline. The store would still take cash though, and provided you have the cash, you can always get it out of the bank before you go to the store.
scottjsmith.peng about 11 years ago
I love all of Gail Vaz-Oxlade’s shows, and I’m happy to see this one featured here.
sbwertz about 11 years ago
We use a frequent flyer credit card for EVERYTHING, then pay it off every month and don’t have to buy plane tickets. You do have to have the discipline not to buy something you can’t pay for at the end of the month. Haven’t carried a balance for years.
llong65 about 11 years ago
must be watching baby boo boo