Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for November 15, 2013
Boomer: We shwallowed all the booze, but there'sh no way to hide the bottlesh! Poncho: All I wanted waz for my mashter and I to shpend more time together… Poncho: …and for him to love me… Poncho: And now I've made a total mesh! Can he ever forgive me?? Mr. Warbuck: Sounds like there's a little dog in there that really loves you. Chazz: Yeah. Yeah, it does. Poncho: Hey, why don't we jush try burying thesh bottlesh? Poncho: Now yer talkin'! Chazz: Poncho!
Hillbillyman about 11 years ago
In reality that much boose at one time would kill the average person with alcohol posioning.
austinguy7 about 11 years ago
good thing they are pups!
James Hopkins about 11 years ago
That’s actually very sweet.
ciel about 11 years ago
You mean shweet, don’t you?
James Hopkins about 11 years ago
Yesh, shweet. :)