For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for December 13, 2013

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    Templo S.U.D.  about 11 years ago

    But isn’t laughter the best medicine?

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    stoneswivel  about 11 years ago

    But why are they putting a cast on the turkey?

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    hsawlrae  about 11 years ago

    Just wait till it sinks in that it was a “25 POUND” turkey.

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    suzibuy  about 11 years ago

    Gosh darn it Stone Swivel, you beat me to it!!! And what is wrong with a 25 lb. turkey? If you get a small one all you are doing is cooking bones. We want leftovers!

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    Beleck3  about 11 years ago

    how is it when things like this happen to others, it’s funny?and it is funny, the weirdness involved

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    bok  about 11 years ago

    Well at least she is letting him laugh (and truly wants to herself)

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    alondra  about 11 years ago

    I think you should both laugh on the way over, then once you find out he’s ok go ahead and laugh with him. But he’ll have the last laugh since this will provide him an excuse to do nothing but get waited on til he gets the cast off.

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    ewalnut  about 11 years ago

    Still wondering if this was based on something that actually happened.

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    danlarios  about 11 years ago

    the jester in a cast?

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    jbarnes  about 11 years ago

    My five year old stood and watched while my husband’s finger was stitched up after a bandsaw accident. She was also present when her little sister was born a month later at a different hospital, and for the next week when we visited the ICU. I would say that hospitals allow children now.

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    hippogriff  about 11 years ago

    janinabarnes: I even assisted (I sat on her arm) while my daughter had her fingertip reattached. That’s how I learned suturing. I was also banned from the birth of my children. A snarkey Baptist hospital even sneered, “And you are supposed to be a minister!” I am not too sure what they meant by that considering I know a couple of Naval chaplains who have seen far worse.

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    dogday Premium Member about 11 years ago

    When our two-year-old had to go to emergency for a split lip they ushered his father and myself out of the room while they stitched. We were let back in immediately afterward and I found him on a “papoose-board” they use for young children to keep them from moving while being sutured. They said they don’t allow parents because they get too upset watching the procedure. Just seeing him on that board, I’d have to agree!

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    dogday Premium Member about 11 years ago

    OK, nobody else said it yet… GRROOOAN!! ;-)

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    summerdog86  about 11 years ago

    Elly has actually given him good advice.

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    route66paul  about 11 years ago

    if the bones in the foot are broken, surgery could be needed to put them in place. A cast isn’t going to do that.

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