Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for December 16, 2013
december calendar 6 the pushy showoffs down the street put up their annual display of too many lights. man: damn them. 10 news teams from channel 7 and channel 4 are inadvertently scheduled to sing carols at the same mall at the same time. ugly brawl erupts. film at 11. 14 the national association of disgruntled former employees presents their xmas handbell concert. 17 eggnog revulsion clinic. please bring a recipe to share! oop: eggnog & vodka with maple syrup. eww. sick. 20 a nutcracker hanukkah carol tim: hey golem, the mouse king stole my dreidl. holem: i'll get your dreidl back, tiny tim! 23 gift panic workshop with carol ubley. carol: freebie magnetized real estate agent calendars make thoughtful last - minute panic gifts! just glue your photo over theirs!
Ida No about 11 years ago
Another nice last minute gift is a hand-wrapped bowl of maple syrup and vodka egg nogs.
Sisyphos about 11 years ago
—And they wonder why some people become depressed around the Christmas season….
puddlesplatt about 11 years ago
one thousand many too lights, held over from last yeaar.
ehtaniguchi about 11 years ago
I want a Golem for Christ—- oh, wait, wrong holiday. Can I get one anyway?
tigerchik32 about 11 years ago
I just can’t get into the Xmas spirit myself…