Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for December 30, 2013
winter warning rhymes winter hat hair, commuter beware. panic buying at the store means 8 inches, maybe more. parking on a salty road alas, can make a car erode. man: eh, this ain't hardly snow. avoid the immigrant from maine or be treated with disdain. mergerbank 1156 zip when consulting a temperature sign find the square root & then subtract 9. penguins on the car - stay where you are.
Ida No about 11 years ago
Penguins with bazookas should remain there, you palookas!
Sisyphos about 11 years ago
Rhyming aphorismsMay cause mental spasms.
Ermine Notyours about 11 years ago
The bank thermometer forgot the minus sign.
ehtaniguchi about 11 years ago
There was nothing more awful than going to the grocery store for milk just after the National Weather Service announced the coming of a major snowstorm. Not only would the store be packed with hysterical shoppers, but almost all of the milk would be gone. Sometimes I was lucky to walk out with a quart of half and half.
ChessPirate about 11 years ago
“Tongue to pole on a dare,have warm water handy, or leave some there.”
jack fairbanks about 11 years ago
penguins— hilarious!
BenPanced about 11 years ago
More like: “Panic buying at the store/half an inch, maybe more”.