Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for December 02, 2013
Janis: I don't understand! We used to go to the video store several times a week! Janis: Why don't you like renting movies online? Arlo: It's too easy! Arlo: We had to drive to the store, find a video, then drive back to return it! Arlo: Renting online removes the safeguard of laziness!
Swalb%515 about 11 years ago
Modern convenience, it’s great. But at the same time, lots of people lost their jobs and businesses, because of it. Keep up with the times, or get left behind.
CPOChuckG about 11 years ago
Support your local drive-in. Learned a lot of anatomy there as a teen years (and years) ago.
QuietStorm27 about 11 years ago
He has a point, he can drive to the redbox like I do or they can go out to the movies. The problem with going out is that you have to deal with other people.
spiffny about 11 years ago
I’m not sure how getting into the car to drive to the video store shows one is not lazy. Going to the video store was rarely a highly social experience and the drive wastes gasoline, clogs the roads, and uses time that could be better spent on other things (such as exercising :-) )
sbchamp about 11 years ago
Hook up that intraveinousNever leave the recliner…
AMarsh1 about 11 years ago
I am w Arlo on this (I usually am). It is hard to explain. Going to the store (walking distance, Jon), searching the aisles, seeing people you know, see what they are renting… The whole deal is more satisfying than pushing a button from your couch.
Varnes about 11 years ago
Senex, movies? I do remember the rumor that they showed two movies a night….But I wouldn’t know….I was busy…We usually watched the first movie, well, until the wine kicked in, anyway….
Varnes about 11 years ago
I heard of a couple that stole one of those old drive-in speakers and hung it by their bed…..