Over the Hedge by T Lewis and Michael Fry for December 06, 2013
December 05, 2013
December 07, 2013
verne explains christmas how can santa deliver billions of gifts in one night? verne: quantum tunneling...using electromagnetic hyper propulsion, santa can literally be in a billion places at once! Rj: he has help. green 'n' red bull
He uses a polar orbit following the terminator (between night and day), extending the amount of time he has and reloading the sleigh on each pass over the north pole.
The Doctor’s TARDIS’s chameleon circuit works just fine. Whenever it appears on Earth, it makes itself appear as a publicity stunt related to a 50-year-old TV show.
Chithing Premium Member about 11 years ago
Quantum tunneling in a can. I had to solemnly promise my wife I’d never consume another energy drink. Made me a wee bit cranky.
ajr58 about 11 years ago
He uses a polar orbit following the terminator (between night and day), extending the amount of time he has and reloading the sleigh on each pass over the north pole.
joeshmo30 about 11 years ago
RH’s explainations are so much easier to under stand O_O
KEA about 11 years ago
Green & Red Bull – I Like It!
dogday Premium Member about 11 years ago
I dunno. Maybe it’s just me, but it strikes me that the squirrel who can summon up Butterfly Air is the one who should be explaining all this.
DutchUncle about 11 years ago
The Doctor’s TARDIS’s chameleon circuit works just fine. Whenever it appears on Earth, it makes itself appear as a publicity stunt related to a 50-year-old TV show.
ctfxcer92 about 11 years ago
excellent explanation
bubbareb about 11 years ago
Or maybe he just passed gas.
fuzzyimages about 11 years ago
Give Hammy one of those Red Bulls and he can demonstrate quantum tunneling.