Savage Chickens by Doug Savage for January 02, 2014
January 01, 2014
January 03, 2014
Boss: In today's economy, doing more with less is not enough! We need you to do most with least! So we're going to stop paying you, and we're having the oxygen sucked out of the building.
mr_sherman Premium Member almost 11 years ago
And one more thing. I’m getting a bonus.
Superfrog almost 11 years ago
Your worth more to the company as compost.
edclectic almost 11 years ago
“You’ll get nothing, and like it! " – Judge Smails, Caddy shack
Nobody_Important almost 11 years ago
And I suppose he gets an oxygen tank in his office????
ossiningaling almost 11 years ago
Hope Timmy the computer can cover all their shifts.
katzenbooks45 almost 11 years ago
Do more with less until you can do everything with nothing.
eyebuzz Premium Member almost 11 years ago
See, capitalism works!
Comicsexpert almost 11 years ago
That’s unnecessary