Girl: What are you doing, Nancy?
Nancy: Writing SANTA CLAUS an immediate "THANK YOU" card! Never underestimate the power of the "THANK YOU"! I've got the EXTRA presents to PROVE IT!
Some post offices have an adopt a family program where one can get a letter and buy and give what is asked for. I imagine some of those families would write a letter thanking Santa.
I’m glad to see that Nancy was taught proper etiquette either by her teachers or Aunt Fritzi. To which I say Bravo! I’m still wating for some thank you notes from friends and relatives from years ago!
Willow Mt Lyon about 11 years ago
Some post offices have an adopt a family program where one can get a letter and buy and give what is asked for. I imagine some of those families would write a letter thanking Santa.
Jim Kerner about 11 years ago
I’m glad to see that Nancy was taught proper etiquette either by her teachers or Aunt Fritzi. To which I say Bravo! I’m still wating for some thank you notes from friends and relatives from years ago!
Wiseguy70005 about 11 years ago
If you’re only being nice or saying “thank you” to get more gifts, I think you’re missing the point.