Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for January 25, 2014
Mom: Alice! Are you going outside in your bathing suit? Alice: It's reverse psychology! Alice: Petey told me about it. Nature will see me and think "She wants to play in the pool," but instead, it'll snow! Mom: What a good idea! Alice: Wait, is that reverse psychology or sarcasm? I'm confused.
Templo S.U.D. almost 11 years ago
It was reserve psychology, Alice you genius. (Did that sound sarcastic, my fellow commentators? Be serious.)
Sisyphos almost 11 years ago
Don’t overthink it, Alice. Moms will be moms, you know. (Not in the least sarcastic….)
cdward almost 11 years ago
It might be perverse psychology.
markbrowningmilner almost 11 years ago
from the subtle change of madeline’s facial expression and body language in panel three, i’d say petey’s in for a talking-to.
puddlesplatt almost 11 years ago
ya! just wash your car?
Ermine Notyours almost 11 years ago
With all the skimpy cheerleader uniforms, it still snows at football stadiums.
scyphi26 almost 11 years ago
It’s a little of both, Alice.
gocomics almost 11 years ago
We had baby goats born last weekend and my 7-year-old decided she wanted to sleep down in the below-freezing stall with the goats. I just said, “Yeah, you enjoy that!” That plan lasted all of about ten minutes. :)
Malcolm Hall almost 11 years ago
What a wonderful brother she has!