Myth: Global warming is mostly caused by volcanic activity, in other words, volcanic activity produces more carbon dioxide than human technology does. Scientific research reveals: Volcanoes have had an insignificant effect on climate change. The amount of Carbon Dioxide emitted by humans is over 100 times greater than the minute amount emitted by volcanic emissions from data collected since 1960s The scientific paper referenced below has full details. Geophysical UnionEos, Vol. 92, No. 24, 14 June 2011 PAGES 201–202
PICTO almost 11 years ago
LAVA TAX!!! It’s enough to make you blow your top.
xpurplezebra almost 11 years ago
Climate Myths: Volcanoes
Myth: Global warming is mostly caused by volcanic activity, in other words, volcanic activity produces more carbon dioxide than human technology does. Scientific research reveals: Volcanoes have had an insignificant effect on climate change. The amount of Carbon Dioxide emitted by humans is over 100 times greater than the minute amount emitted by volcanic emissions from data collected since 1960s The scientific paper referenced below has full details. Geophysical UnionEos, Vol. 92, No. 24, 14 June 2011 PAGES 201–202
katina.cooper almost 11 years ago
Maybe the humans should be stuck with a CO2 tax instead.
DryCreekGeezer almost 11 years ago
Truth: More Global Warming is caused by the SUN than 0.4% of the atmosphere.
rgcviper almost 11 years ago
Love the “gummint plot” in the last panel.