Google Nose.
A man demonstrates a prosthetic nose for an advertisement.
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Man: coffee! Fresh cut grass! Cupcakes!
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Man: Is this milk bad? This what a fish farm smells like? Does the baby need changing?
davbart92663 almost 11 years ago
However, for the longest time, we have been talking about smell-o-vision. Imagine a cooking show, featuring fresh baked cinnamon rolls.
Vet Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Side effects include…..nausea, constipation, gas, diarrhea, lack of sexual drive, nymphomania, corns, oats, buckteeth, weight gain, weight loss, crossed eyedness, walleyedness, uncontrollable giggles, lack of humor, and loss of memory.Just hit any key to reboot……I will use the Key of G.GEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Thank you.Now back to your regular programing.
Tinozzi almost 11 years ago
Don’t wear it in the bathroom!
fuzzybritches almost 11 years ago
You know, there are many times that I’m glad I have almost no sense of smell . . .