You can pack light bulbs and books in the same case if you know how to pack properly. (I’ve shipped a lot of stuff.) And I’m betting Jon is putting on an act.
How true. I just downloaded 700 old-time radio shows to a 32MB SCD card (that already had hundreds of music albums on it) that’s the size of one of my fingernails and my Kindle has nearly 1,200 books on it. I’m as old-school as a lot of fiftysomethings, but some new tech stuff is revelatory…and space-saving.
This strip was written back when Blue Cross was the gold standard. About twenty years ago, though, Republican governors in a lot of states allowed it to go to for-profit status, and the result was the CEO of the umbrella group of Blue Crosses pulling down over $50 million a year while claiming it had no impact on patient care. If the Republicans didn’t want health care reform they shouldn’t have made it need to be reformed back to nonprofit status.
This strip is from the mid-80’s no? They did have rolling luggage back then, but I guess since it was patented in the early 70’s, it was still too expensive for all but the luxury traveler.
tripwire45 almost 11 years ago
Aaberon almost 11 years ago
Wow (my co-commenting friends): We’re all old enough to ‘remember-when’ and still be tech-savvy.
Beleck3 almost 11 years ago
lol, Blue Cross. at least they have National Health Insurance in Canada. here it is predatory “hurry up and die” non health coverage.
socialism rears its’ “ugly” head once again in everyday life.
Can't Sleep almost 11 years ago
You can pack light bulbs and books in the same case if you know how to pack properly. (I’ve shipped a lot of stuff.) And I’m betting Jon is putting on an act.
Guilty Bystander almost 11 years ago
How true. I just downloaded 700 old-time radio shows to a 32MB SCD card (that already had hundreds of music albums on it) that’s the size of one of my fingernails and my Kindle has nearly 1,200 books on it. I’m as old-school as a lot of fiftysomethings, but some new tech stuff is revelatory…and space-saving.
tuslog64 almost 11 years ago
Is it true that in Canada the insurance covers abortions-but there’s a 7-month waiting list?
tuslog64 almost 11 years ago
How to tell if you should fly or not-Is the crew lining up at the insurance vendor?
amaryllis2 Premium Member almost 11 years ago
This strip was written back when Blue Cross was the gold standard. About twenty years ago, though, Republican governors in a lot of states allowed it to go to for-profit status, and the result was the CEO of the umbrella group of Blue Crosses pulling down over $50 million a year while claiming it had no impact on patient care. If the Republicans didn’t want health care reform they shouldn’t have made it need to be reformed back to nonprofit status.
Mary McNeil Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Who would have thought references to “books” and “records” would show that this is an" old" strip?
westny77 almost 11 years ago
It’s nice Ellie gets along with her in laws. Todays luggage has wheels so this script is dated.
Boots at the Boar Premium Member almost 11 years ago
This strip is from the mid-80’s no? They did have rolling luggage back then, but I guess since it was patented in the early 70’s, it was still too expensive for all but the luxury traveler.