Swoop school is too expensive. The student loans will crush you while interning to get a low-paying vulture-entry position. Maybe you could just fake it til you make it.
As one who lives in South Texas with plenty of vultures, I usually see them circling around to look for a meal, not waiting patiently. Of course, Snoopy can’t fly except for his doghouse, and the WWI fighter pilot has that use all reserved.
stcrowe over 10 years ago
Linus was never in any real danger.
BlazerAth over 10 years ago
Swoop Dogg
Boots at the Boar Premium Member over 10 years ago
Swoop school is too expensive. The student loans will crush you while interning to get a low-paying vulture-entry position. Maybe you could just fake it til you make it.
Manitobaman over 10 years ago
I remember that poster…
davidf42 over 10 years ago
That’s funny. Don’t care what anybody says, that’s funny.
orinoco womble over 10 years ago
I’ve always loved Snoopy-as-vulture.
summerdog86 over 10 years ago
The “Vulture” here should know better….swooping doesn’t go wrong when the victim is dead and doesn’t move.
Godfreydaniel over 10 years ago
Snoopy throws himself into the part head first………..
Charlie Fogwhistle over 10 years ago
As one who lives in South Texas with plenty of vultures, I usually see them circling around to look for a meal, not waiting patiently. Of course, Snoopy can’t fly except for his doghouse, and the WWI fighter pilot has that use all reserved.
bmckee over 10 years ago
Snoopy lacks two of the prerequisites for Swoop School (wings, two, one left, one right).
pouncingtiger over 10 years ago
“Missed it by that much.” – Maxwell Smart
neverenoughgold over 10 years ago
Hey Snoopy, while you’re up there, could you look around for Charlie Brown’s kite?
TimeLordSoundwave over 10 years ago
And then, Snoopy got a concussion.