Frank and Ernest by Thaves for March 23, 2003
"Academy awards" "In honor of the Oscars, today we'll discuss classic movies with film scholar Dr. Ernie." "What did you think of "The deer hunter," Dr. Ernie?" "It should never have been shot." "The apartment" won multiple academy awards, yet many people have never seen it. Should they get the video?" "Do not rent "the apartment!" "...and "the bridge on the water Kwai..?" "It started okay, but then it didn't hold up." "How about "From here to eternity?" it won EIGHT Oscars!" "I thought that movie would NEVER end!" "Ernie, we haven't found a "best picture" film you like! Can you say anything good about NON-winners?" "Well, Hitchcock's "North by northwest" had great direction, and I was crazy about "Psycho!"
GROG Premium Member almost 7 years ago
I’ll take Psycho over North By Northwest. Until that last panel, I didn’t think think they were going to mention a classic.