Must be the toilet that will flush down 25 golf balls; at least that was the sales pitch.I told the sales guy I didn’t crap golf balls. I wanted to know how it did with one large t..d.
“I’ve heard of similar things happening with a ship’s head.”.I’ve heard of a lot worse happening to people sitting on a ship’s toilet. I wonder how many of them are true.
margueritem almost 11 years ago
AWK! Off to join the sewer alligators!
Bilan almost 11 years ago
The epilogue covers the start of the five-gallon drum of Drano.
Allen Rymer almost 11 years ago
The ultimate swirly
Superfrog almost 11 years ago
It was the first flush of Spring.
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Ah…. finally, a new twist on that old tail…
cdward almost 11 years ago
The Wet Head is Dead (This is an age test. See if you remember that commercial).
J Short almost 11 years ago
Must be the toilet that will flush down 25 golf balls; at least that was the sales pitch.I told the sales guy I didn’t crap golf balls. I wanted to know how it did with one large t..d.
MeGoNow Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Hair today. Gone tomorrow.
jack fairbanks almost 11 years ago
Right down to her little black roto-roots
Digital Frog almost 11 years ago
Extensions can save a life!
suicidebynoises almost 11 years ago
Sadlly, nobody haired her scream.
murdockda almost 11 years ago
Her hair went to pot.
amaryllis2 Premium Member almost 11 years ago
This strip didn’t used to be crude like it has of late. It was a lot more fun when it wasn’t.
hippogriff almost 11 years ago
cdward: Remember t? I remember kayaking in English Bay, Vancouver, seeing a barely floating log in the water, and thinking “the deadhead is wet”.
pcolli almost 11 years ago
“I’ve heard of similar things happening with a ship’s head.”.I’ve heard of a lot worse happening to people sitting on a ship’s toilet. I wonder how many of them are true.
pcolli almost 11 years ago
It’s strange…. US and Canadian toilets swirl, while toilets in most other countries, tumble.
posse1 Premium Member almost 11 years ago
What a crappy way to go
Stephen Gilberg almost 11 years ago
How many ounces of shampoo did she use per day, I wonder?